Oct 17, 2011

Boiled Cans: Dulce de Leche

Caramel- that sweetly viscous treat- is something that almost everyone enjoys. On ice cream, in between layers of smooth chocolate, or snugly packed within a Sea Salt Caramel Brownie.

However, heating sugar over a hot stove and waiting for that perfect moment to remove it from heat (which is no guessing game) is too a little too exacting for my taste.

And that is why I think dulce de leche, caramel's milk-based cousin, reigns supreme. Taste-wise, the two are about the same, except dulce has a slight saltiness behind the sweet, which I prefer to caramel's unbalanced, all-around sweetness.

Now, dulce de leche is quite easy. You need two ingredients and some free time. Once finished, this tasty mixture can top muffins, brownies, pancakes, ice cream... or simply eaten with a spoon, which is my favorite.

Boiling action!

F#cking Awesome Dulce de Leche

You need:

1 can of unopened sweetened condensed milk

You will:
  1. Fill a large saucepan with water over high heat.
  2. Remove the manufacturer's label from the can. Place into the hot water, making sure that the entire can is submerged at least 3 inches below water.
  3. Boil for 90-120 minutes, uncovered. 90 minutes provides a caramel consistency; 120 a very thick and spreadable caramel suitable for frosting; anything over-- caramel that you can slice with a knife.
  4. Be sure to check back on the can every 20 minutes to check water levels. This is important. If the water level falls below the can, it will create a pressure differential and cause the can to explode. Add more water when necessary so that the can is always submerged.*
  5. After time, turn off the heat. Let sit for 15 minutes, pour half the hot water out and replace with cold water. Let sit for another 15 minutes and then remove the can. Please allow the can to cool completely before use.

*While there is a slight safety issue involved, please remember that all cooking and baking must be performed with the utmost caution. I've made this many times before, and never with any problems. If you have questions or concerns, I will gladly answer them!

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