Aug 19, 2010

Goodbye, New York

Today is my last day in the greatest city on earth.

While I used to think that phrase for the five boroughs was trite, I've come to realize the truth in it. No where else can you seamlessly work, play, network and find yourself.

My internship opened my eyes to an industry that I was interested in, but really knew nothing about. My living situation imparted me with lessons on what's possible with roommates after undergrad. I got a first look on what dating actually is, and what it can become. I rode trains with babies, trust fund brats, pregnant 16 year-olds, millionaires and the homeless. And there is nothing that comes close to the city nightlife.

Most importantly, this summer gave me a chance to finally break free from my responsibilities to others. The first summer away from family and friends. I could come and go as I pleased, wear whatever wanted, without fear from my peers. This summer was one of my own personal expression.

I don't know what's in store for me this year, or where I'll end up after graduation. But I do know that whatever I'll do, I'll do it damn well. Goodbye, Brooklyn.

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