May 27, 2010

Master Cleanse

Ehh, I've been feeling blah lately. I don't sleep soundly, my skin has been breaking out, and food just really isn't sitting well with me lately (but I still eat... sorry for tmi).

So I've been doing some research and 9 times out of 10 I am pointed in the direction of the Master Cleanse, which is a 10-day fast where you only drink a lemonade-cayenne pepper drink and do frequent salt water flushes to rid the body of toxins.

Since I've started eating chicken and turkey again (I still haven't had pork or red meat in over 10 years), I'm fully aware of all of the foreign substances entering my body- antibiotics, trace amounts of waste, mercury, etc etc

I eventually want to ease my way into a vegan diet at some point, but I don't think I'll be able to just wake up and make the transition. I don't want to be a vegan for life, but just for a couple of months to kick start my metabolism, digestive tract, energy levels and mental clarity.

I think that doing a Master Cleanse beforehand will help ease that transition beautifully. We'll see.

Go Suns!

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